Epos ES-7N Touchdown

The new Epos ES-7N bookshelf speakers have landed in the UK and will shortly be at your local Epos dealer for demonstration. With the full resources and know-how of FinkTeam behind them, these speakers were always going to be amazing sounding. They communicate well, starting and stopping cleanly, quick, agile, present a brilliant soundstage, together […]

New A-3 Core Power Amplifier

Soulnote electronics have released some technical details of their new A-3 Core. This is a new power amp, borrowing heavily from the development of Soulnote’s flagship M-3 monoblock power amps and the more recent A-3 Integrated amplifier. As you can imagine a number of technical issues had to be solved to squeeze two large monoblocks […]

New T+A R 2500 R All-in-one system

New to the UK, another fantastic product from T+A, the new R 2500 R. This is a fully functional genuinely high end, all-in-one solution, with all the careful design and attention one expects from T+A. T+A’s multi-source concept holds true – this is a supremely flexible and versatile unit, featuring; It’s a formidable unit and […]

The UK HiFi Show Live | Ascot 2023

Back after a hiatus of three years, this year the HiFi News High End Show promises to be bigger and better than ever before. The organiser tells us that advance booking is already substantially higher than this time in 2019. The High End show remains a favourite of ours and is always well attended, the […]

T+A Solitaire Loudspeakers | Now Available in the UK 

Another great range of loudspeakers from T+A, the Solitaire range including S430, S530 and S540 have arrived in the UK. The range is the culmination of years of research and development, with some key propriety technology aimed at reducing the effect of room influences on sound quality. To quote T+A;  “…reflections of the radiated sound […]

Soulnote Overview | Reviving the Soul of Sound

Last year we announced the exciting news that we were distributing Soulnote in the UK. This Japanese High-End company has an exquisite HiFi pedigree, founded with a number of ex-Marantz engineers and technicians. Soulnote, under the directorship of Hideki Kato, very much has its own take on sound quality, the problems and bottlenecks, and how […]

HiFi News | Review of the Epos ES14N

HiFi News recently published a review of the Epos ES14N Loudspeakers. Naturally, considering its provenance, they were deeply impressed and awarded the ES14n’s with an Outstanding Product rosette. Here are a few snippets from their review; “… ES14N’s are exceptional speakers, designed with experience and care.” “…the ES14N showed itself to be a very capable […]

Soulnote A-3 Integrated Amplifier

Soulnote has launched the new A-3 super integrated amplifier at Munich high-end and released some technical details listed below. This will retail at £19,000 and be available in the UK from October. ➢ Main features · Complete separation of left and right channel ground – The ground separation technology incorporated in the P-3 pre-amplifier is […]

First Impressions | The New Epos ES14N

In Mid-September Epos Loudspeakers sent us a pre-production pair of their new ES14N speakers. They drew big crowds at The UK Audio Show and have been on a dealer tour of the UK. We also managed to spend some time evaluating them and thoroughly enjoyed the experience; read on. About Epos Epos loudspeakers is now […]