Epos ES-7N Touchdown

The new Epos ES-7N bookshelf speakers have landed in the UK and will shortly be at your local Epos dealer for demonstration.

With the full resources and know-how of FinkTeam behind them, these speakers were always going to be amazing sounding. They communicate well, starting and stopping cleanly, quick, agile, present a brilliant soundstage, together with a rightness in timbre and natural decay.

The ES-7N have the interesting feature of a switch on the back to adjust the crossover and response depending on bookshelf or (relative) free-space stand-mount siting. This opens up lots of possibilities for the committed audiophile who is short of space, or those looking for a home office or studio setting. 

Make sure you hear them at one of our dealers; kogaudio.com/dealers/epos/

More information on the brand; kogaudio.com/brands/epos/


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